Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Halloween Fun

Grandchildren sure love dressing up for a fun Halloween.
Megan and Logan were excited to get into Oma's costume boxes
to find just the right outfit for the person or animal
they wanted to be.
Here is Megan, I mean Cleopatra walking with her classmates in their school parade.
Logan needed two costumes. At school he was a tuff football player.
Then that evening he was an adorable Winnie the Pooh.
The Pooh outfit was a play costume I made Logan's daddy when
he played the lead in his school 3rd grade play 20+ years ago.
I guess it pays to save costumes.
We had a special visit from a pretty pirate named Jaden.
She's our grandniece.
This is my little "Batman" ninja Luke visiting from Washington.
Luke is Max and Sophy's 2 1/2 year old son.
Now that's the smile we all know and love to see.
Sophy was lucky to even be allowed on the plane with only
4 weeks left until her due date. She is so tiny, yet HUGE just
in the front. You can't even tell she is pregnant when she is
walking away from you.
The baby has really dropped low.
Sophy was such a good sport to take Luke out to play in the unexpected snow.
Luke was totally ready for a snowball fight.
Logan and Megan were in school.
"Where's daddy when I need him?"
Luke absolutely loves Megan and Logan.
They all play so well together for hours!
This was a little snuggle time just before breakfast.